RHEU version 1.1 Registered Heretic Editing Utilities For instructions on how to edit and create a level read DEU.TXT (included with the original version of DEU). Before RHEU will work you may need to edit the RHEU.INI file which tells RHEU where to find your copy of Heretic. Send E-mail to robertp@iadfw.net for questions or suggestions about RHEU. *************************************************************************** Requirements: 486 cpu (no math coprocessor required) Registered version of Heretic SVGA graphics are highly recommended *************************************************************************** New functions: 4 new functions have been added to help with the desing of Heretic levels. 1-under the Objects menu: 'Tombstone'- creates a predefined sector shaped like a tombstone 2-under the Misc. menu when editing sectors: 'Distribute sector light levels'- evenly distributes the light levels between 3 or more sectors 3-under the Misc. menu when editing vertices: '3D preview'- displays the entire level in 3D with multiple levels of detail 4-under the Search menu: 'Convert from Doom'- converts all Doom things and textures to Heretic things and textures within a fraction of a second ************************************************************************ Plans for future versions: new functions 3 and 4 will be moved to better menu position bugs with grid in 3D mode will be fixed add mouse to 3D mode ************************************************************************ Credits: special thanks to the original creators of DEU and the Id Software/Raven Software team for creating Heretic